Local Households


Local households seeking Harvard students for services such as babysitting, tutoring, cleaning, yard work, moving help, etc., are encouraged to post opportunities to our jobs database. Please be clear in the job title and job description and note whether the job is a temporary one-day assignment or if you expect to need regular work.

How to post a job on the SEO jobs database as a private household employer

Like all other employers wishing to use the jobs database, you will first need to register as an employer and then create your job posting.

Step 1: Create an Employer Account

  1. Point your web browser to http://seo.harvard.edu/jobs-database and click on the Employer link.
  2. Click Register or Register and Post Job if you are ready to create your job posting now. If you are not ready, you will have the opportunity to create one after your registration has been submitted and you have gone through the verification process. 
  3. Complete the registration form. Any fields marked * are required. Things to note as private household employers: 
    1. Choose an Organization Name such as your name, "Smith Household," etc.
    2. Choose "Other organization" for Type of Organization
    3. Choose "1-10 employees" for Number of Employees
    4. A website is not required - You can put in a random URL (e.g. www.com), a link to your LinkedIn or staff page, or the SEO's website.
    5. Select "Off Campus" for Type of Employer 
    6. For a Company Logo, you can choose your photograph or a "no image available" graphic 
    7. Select "Job Postings" under Services
  4. Enter the letters/numbers in the image proving you are human and hit submit.

Screen shot of employer registration form on SEO jobs database

Step 2: Employer Verification

Your employer registration will be reviewed within 1-2 business days. If you are not a Harvard affiliate, you will be contacted about the verification process. 

Step 3: Create Job Posting

Once your employer registration is approved and account is activated, you will be able to login to the SEO database to create your job posting if you have not already done so. Once submitted, job postings take 1-2 business days to be reviewed and approved.  


Important note for Harvard Faculty & Affiliates

If you are a Harvard faculty member or affiliate who works alongside students, please be aware that hiring students for household purposes may present a conflict of interest. Be sure to only hire students who are not registered in your courses or working with you in another Harvard-related capacity.